O le afiafi ananafi sa taofia ma moliaina ai le alii sa tau sailia nei. E le gata i lea sa fa’atino foi galuega o le tau sailia o lenei alii ma maua mai ai nisi alii se toa lima (5) ma ua taofia nei i moliaga e fesootai i fualaau fa’asaina.

O le toa fa(4) o nei alii ua taofia nei mo le aso 27 Me 2024 e valaauina ai a latou fa’amasinoga. O le alii sa tausailia ua taofia nei mo le aso 28 Me 2024 e valaau ai lona fa’amasinoga. O le tasi o alii ua tatala i tua e talia ai le valaauina o lona fa’amasinoga i le aso 18 Iuni 2024.

E momoli atu ai le fa’afetai ma le fa’amalo i le atunuu lautele mo la outou lagolago i la tatou galuega soosoo tauau mo se Samoa Saogalemu.


Samoa Police, Prisons and Correction Services wishes to inform the public that the wanted individual has been located and charged. SPPCS also carried out searches in connection to Mr Tuuga and arrested five (5) other individuals in connection to illicit drugs.

Four males have been remanded in custody until 27 May 2024 for mention. The said wanted individual is also remanded in custody until the 28 May 2024 and one male has been release on bail until the 18 June 2024 for mention.

We wish to acknowledge the ongoing support of the community to the work of the Samoa Police, Prisons and Correction Service in ensuring a SAFE SAMOA.

Fa’afetai Samoa!