Constable John Bosco- qualified operational dog handler

Samoa Police, Prisons and Corrections Services welcomed Constable John Bosco Salā back to Samoa after a nine-week narcotic detector dog training course at the New Zealand Police Dog Training Centre in Trentham.
The 37-year-old Constable was one of the few Pasifika law enforcers that were a part of the narcotic detector dog training course.
The training course aims to help train and build Pacific agencies’ dog section capacity and capability, namely Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands and Samoa, known to be part of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade supported Pacific Detector Dog Programme (PDDP) with New Zealand Police and New Zealand Customs.
Acting Commissioner Lafaitele Herbert Aati, Deputy Commissioners Papali’i Monalisa Tiai-Keti and Leiataua Samuelu Afamasaga expressed their heartfelt congratulations to Constable Salā for graduating and for a job well done.
Constable John Bosco Salā was one of 3 Pasifika law enforcers to qualify as operational dog handlers.