Today, history was made within the Ministry of Police when a small ceremony was held at the Police Headquarters Apia to officially launch police badges which symbolize many great things in a Police officer’s line of duty.

The Honorable Minister of Police Tialavea Tusa Leniu Tionisio Hunt gave the keynote address and was the first recipient to receive his golden badge in his role as the Minister of Police. Other recipients included Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner, and the rest of Commissioned Officers holding the ranks of Superintendent and Inspectors.
Family members, friends, and co-workers who were gathered to witness this historical ceremony were given the honor to pin the awardee with their badges.
Samoa Police Service acknowledges the continuous support of the Australian Government through our stakeholder partner the Australian Federal Police for procuring SPS badges.
In his report Commissioner Fuiavailiili Keil stated, “The badge symbolizes Duty, Integrity, Justice, Fairness, Honour, Character, Respect, Equality and respect for our Samoan Culture.”
All sworn officers of the Samoa Police Service will be issued badges as part of the police uniform.