A 44 year old male of Faleula-uta and Lalomalava was arrested by police as a result of a police raid conducted yesterday Thursday, 6th of August 2020 at Faleula-uta.

Police were able to seize from the home of the suspect a number of unlawful weapons and ammunitions and it included, seven (7) pistols, nine (9) rifles, .22 ammunitions and other unlawful ammunitions. Other items seized are believe to be used for the consumption and distribution of narcotics such as glass tubes and weight scales.
The suspect is known to police and was previously arrested for similar offence. He is still under police custody and has been charged. He is remanded in custody until 24 August 2020 for court mention.
The Service wishes to thank the public for relaying information relating to narcotics and we encourage the public to continue informing the police with regards to any illegal activities occurring within their community. Please call police on telephone 22 222 ext 150, 151, 152 for assistance.
Working for a Safer Samoa.
Ua taofiaina mai nei se alii 44 tausaga o Faleula-uta ma Lalomalava i le afiafi ananafi i le maea ai o se galuega o le sailia o fulaau fa’asaina i lona fale i Faleula-uta.
O lenei galuega sa fa’atinoina i le afiafi ananafi ma aumaia ai e Leoleo ni a’upega malosi aemaise o ni pulufana. E le gata i lea sa fa’apea ona mauaina ai ni vaega e fa’aaogaina mo le taumafaina aemaise o le tufatufaina o fualaau fa’asaina.
O lenei alii sa taofia muamua mai foi e Leoleo i mataupu lava tau a’upega malosi ma fualaau faasaina. O le taimi nei o loo taofia nei i lalo o le va’avaaiga a Leoleo e seia oo i le aso 24 Aukuso 2020 mo le valaauina o lana mataupu i le Fa’amasinoga.
E momoli atu ai le fa’afetai a le Matagaluega i le mamalu o le atunuu o loo fa’apea ona lipotia mai nei mataupu i le Ofisa o Leoleo. E tatalo atu foi ina ia fa’aauauina pea ona logoina mai le Matagaluega i mataupu faapenei i le telefoni 22 222 laina 150, 152 ma le 152.
Galulue fa’atasi mo se Samoa saogalemu!