In the last year, officers from the Samoa Police Service attended Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for Addiction Professionals deliver by experts from the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. The training series comprised of eight (8) separate curricula and participants generally should complete each course in order to move to the next level. Curricula for the training includes;

Course 1: Physiology and Pharmacology for Addiction Professionals

Course 2: Treatment for Substance Use Disorders—The Continuum of Care for Addiction Professionals

Course 3: Common Co-Occurring Mental and Medical Disorders—An Overview for Addiction Professionals

Course 4: Basic Counseling Skills for Addiction Professionals

Course 5: Intake, Screening, Assessment, Treatment Planing and Documentation for Addiction Professionals

Course 6: Case Management for Addiction Professionals

Course 7: Crisis Intervention for Addiction Professionals

Course 8: Ethics for Addiction Professionals

Of the 10 participants from across Government who have successfully completed the course are four members of the Samoa Police Service. The officers are currently working in the General Policing, Criminal Investigation Division and the Professional Standards Unit.

SPS acknowledges the support of the US Embassy and the Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet for extending the invitation to SPS.